Sunday, July 30, 2023

Osaka 2023

For my project, I decided to draw the three biggest aspects of my trip to Japan. The First was done in my sketchbook and displays my love of the food there (sorry about the quality, I tried to redraw it but the one in my sketchbook still looks the best)! The sushi, the yakisoba, the soba, Pin Pon Pan's bread!?! The overall greatness of the food there has led to me being mildly depressed about the selection here. Nevertheless, it was an amazing culinary experience!

The second displays where I spent a majority of my time, either on or waiting for the train. I'm no stranger to navigating public transportation, but the Osakan transit system is an entirely different beast. It functions so differently to what we have in the US. It was pretty easy to adapt to and was incredibly convenient! Wish I could've kept my ICOCA card though :'{

The final one displays one thing I had to have every day... MELON SODA OF COURSE!!! It's safe to say I was addicted. I still crave its flavor constantly! Luckily there's a store near my house that sells it, so I won't have to make the flight back in order to taste the nectar of the gods. The best melon soda flavored thing I tasted was easily the slushy they had at Universal Japan. ESPECIALLY with how hot it was that day!

Here's everything displayed together, I had fun drawing and reminiscing. And for those wondering where out group drawing is... I'm working on it ok! Its a pretty draining task, but rest assured I'll post it in the discord as soon as it's done. Thanks for Reading!

-Nyar F :)

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Osaka 2023

For my project, I decided to draw the three biggest aspects of my trip to Japan. The First was done in my sketchbook and displays my love of...