Sunday, September 11, 2022

How I Stay Tuned Into The World

With the turbulent and often chaotic state of the world today, it can be a struggle to keep up. Now more than ever, information is very important. So in order to stay informed on current events. I use various methods. 

Now I know it may seem laughable to say twitter is a good source of information, but I believe it to be a phenomenal way to stay informed. Once you navigate through the more unsavory aspects of twitter, you basically have an algorithm that always has something new to tell you about topics you're interested in. It's like having your news feed personalized and feeding you new topics every hour, on the hour. I believe it to be an invaluable resource.

Morning Brew is an email newsletter designed to provide you with the most important information on world events, every morning, all in 5 minutes (or the time it takes to drink a cup of coffee). Everything from politics to crypto, condensed to make it easier to digest. Often times listening to the news on TV takes at least an hour and, more often than not, is localized only to your region. I find Morning Brew to be quick and easy, while not sacrificing the depth of knowledge I would want to know.

I'm sure everyone knows about YouTube's ability to provide entertainment, but what about its ability to provide information? Take video games for example. As a Game Design major, I find myself often using YouTube as a tool to progress my abilities. Aside from the instructional videos my professor and other talented game designers designers post, there are also people who just post about their experiences making games and their philosophies when it comes to their approach. While this is how I most often use YouTube, anyone can find information on anything that interests them and I believe that is what makes it so special.

Discord is an app mostly concerned with helping gamers communicate more easily. Its use of group chats makes it easy to communicate with friends, but its server feature allows you to connect with anyone, anywhere, and talk about anything. This server feature can be used to find information. While gaming-focused, there are discord communities for everything. Once you join one, you may find a host of information pooled from thousands of people that you could never find all by yourself. In each server you could be pinged for events or important information on the topic that server is dedicated to. While I primarily use it to stay up to date on the releases on new chapters of manga, there are countless other servers to join, and an endless amount of information to be gleamed.

5.) Reddit
Reddit is a social media app like twitter, with the philosophy of Discord. What I mean is that Reddit is divided into different communities called subreddits (like Discord), and once you become a member of said community the top posts from that community are displayed on your homepage (like Twitter). There is a community for any interest, from sports, to religion, to even baking bread. There are individuals everywhere communicating about everything. There's always some new subreddit to discover related to something you're interested in. I recommend checking it out.

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