Monday, September 12, 2022

Getting Familiar With The Supreme Court

    The Supreme Court is he highest court in the United States and the most powerful court in the world. The members of The Supreme Court, The Supreme Court Justices, preside over the most serious legal issues ranging from unconstitutional laws to a president's impeachment. 

     This is all  information I knew prior to further research, but after reading through's full history of The Supreme Court, my eyes were opened. I already knew about some of the Justices that served on The Supreme Court, but the most interesting revelation in my opinion was that of William Howard Taft's service. Taft is the only person to serve as both a Justice and President since the inception of The Supreme Court.

    The most surprising thing the article had to offer was the most important Supreme Court cases throughout history. The most prevalent for today being Mapp V. Ohio, the outcome of which determined that evidence gained through illegal means cannot be used in criminal cases.

    In my opinion however, the most important piece of knowledge the article had to offer was why The Supreme Court is so powerful. They are the only branch of government that can check the other two branches making their power slightly more influential than either the Executive or Legislative branches. They also have the ability to interpret the highest laws of the land and create new laws from them. These are the most important aspects of The Supreme Court and the reason why its the most powerful court in not just America, but the world at large.

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